Keep up with all future announcements and news about global competency through a new Listserv for teachers and administrators who are in charge of global competency in their schools. Subscribing is free and you may unsubscribe at any time.

Posts will not occur more than twice monthly and will contain timely news or alerts that need immediate attention.

Other pertinent resources for global competency teachers are the Kentucky Teacher electronic newsletter’s monthly Global Competency & World Languages pages and the Global Competency pages on the KDE website.

With the new program reviews will come questions, be in the right place to get answers and information directly from KDE.

To subscribe, follow these directions:

  1. Go to the KERA Listserv site here.
  1. Enter your name and e-mail address in the boxes. Your address must be precise:
  1. The address must be the address from which you will send mail to the list.
  1. Click on the subscribe button for the list you wish to join.
  1. You will receive a confirmation email for each list you subscribe to. The global competency list is KYGCPR-Kentucky Global Competency Program Review.
  1. Once subscribed, emails will come directly to your inbox with important and timely information about the global competency program review and professional development for global competency.

As with any group email list, never reply all or reply to the original email. Any reply will go to every single subscriber on the list. Contact information will always be found in the email itself for questions or concerns.