How can educators of all grades and content areas engage students in meaningful, relevant reading and writing?

The Interdisciplinary Literacy Practices are embedded within the Kentucky Academic Standards (KAS) for Reading and Writing to give teachers of all grades and content areas tools to promote a literacy-rich environment that empowers independent, lifelong learners who think deeply and critically about text. The Practices should not be confused as additional standards, but they should guide teachers in providing intentional opportunities for students to practice the behaviors of a literate citizen. 

As districts adopt high-quality instructional resources (HQIRs), Kentucky’s Interdisciplinary Literacy Practices may serve as powerful levers to increase student engagement with complex texts across all disciplines, promote text-based writing, and create space for meaningful student collaboration, all within the context of an HQIR.

Videos available in this series all feature Kentucky teachers using HQIRs and grade-level, complex texts:

The Interdisciplinary Literacy Practices in Action video series landing page provides a module and participant guide that’s adaptable for synchronous and asynchronous learning. Participants may receive up to three hours of professional development or Effective Instructional Leadership Act (EILA) credit for completion of the module.

Please contact for more information.