Contests & Other Events

Mathematics Circle for middle, high school students

Faculty from several Kentucky colleges and universities are organizing a Mathematics Circle this fall. The Mathematics Circle is an enrichment program for middle or high school students with an interest in mathematics. This program will allow students to learn mathematics beyond what is covered in traditional course work with an emphasis on developing mathematical reasoning and problem-solving skills. Topics are [...]

By |2011-08-10T13:45:48-04:00August 11, 2011|

KSP academy targets teen drivers

The Kentucky State Police (KSP) is accepting applications for its ninth annual Drive To Stay Alive teen driving academy Sept. 7 - 11 at KSP Headquarters in Frankfort. Drive to Stay Alive is an innovative program targeted directly at teenage drivers. Participants will spend four days learning potential life-saving skills including hands-on skills in actual motor vehicle situations combined with [...]

By |2011-08-10T13:58:01-04:00August 11, 2011|

Gifted students study program in Italy

The Center for Gifted Studies at Western Kentucky University has planned a travel/study program to Italy for 8th-grade and high school honors students as well as interested adults, set for Sept. 30 through Oct. 9. This program provides participants with a carefully structured experience in Florence, Rome and selected points of interest. Thirty qualified participants will be accompanied by the [...]

By |2011-08-03T09:53:46-04:00August 4, 2011|

Million Father March 2011

The Black Star Project is in its eighth year of promoting a fatherhood initiative known as the Million Father March. The Million Father March is about fathers taking their children to school on the first fall school day. Last year, 800,000 fathers in 600 cities took their children to school on the first day of school. Participating in the Million [...]

By |2011-07-20T13:15:34-04:00July 21, 2011|

EETT awards announced

The Kentucky Department of Education (KDE) has announced that the review process for the Enhancing Education Through Technology (EETT) award has been completed. The list of awards are available at the following link: The awards listed are contingent upon awardees meeting all programmatic and budgetary requirements. If there are programmatic/budgetary issues that need to be addressed, those issues must [...]

By |2020-09-23T15:03:08-04:00July 21, 2011|

Kentucky State Fair Education Program spotlights Civil War

The Kentucky State Fair, Aug. 18-28, has a great way for teachers and students to kick off the 2011-12 school year. The Education Program is spotlighting a new thematic exhibition – United We Stand, Divided We Fall: Kentucky and the Civil War +150. The start of the national Sesquicentennial of the American Civil War is in 2011. Kentucky’s Civil War [...]

By |2011-07-13T14:08:01-04:00July 14, 2011|

Educators in Residence needed

The Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO) is contracting with three Educators in Residence to assist the council in its work with states in their transformation from a highly-qualified workforce to a highly-effective workforce. These consultant positions will start work in late summer and will be available for up to three years. The Educators in Residence will work in [...]

By |2011-07-13T14:31:32-04:00July 14, 2011|

Nominate Champions of Change

All across the country, Americans are doing extraordinary things in their communities to out-innovate, out-educate and out-build the rest of the world. Every week, the White House invites the public to tell the stories of “Champions of Change” at One theme of service is education and empowerment, which is for innovative teachers and school leaders creating engaging and rigorous [...]

By |2020-09-16T10:45:14-04:00July 14, 2011|

Application available for 2011 Promise Neighborhood Program

The U.S. Department of Education has released the application for the second phase of the Promise Neighborhoods program, including new implementation grants and a second round of planning grants, totaling $30 million. The program will again have Absolute Priorities for serving rural and tribal communities. Nonprofits, institutions of higher education and Native American tribes are eligible to apply for funds [...]

By |2011-07-13T14:32:58-04:00July 14, 2011|

IHTD Youth Film Festival

The IHTD Youth Film Festival asks young people to speak out on the federal budget and asks them to consider the $1 trillion spent on the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan – “What would you do with $1 trillion – for yourself, your family and your community?” To participate in the contest, youth age 23 and younger may submit videos that are no longer [...]

By |2011-07-13T14:10:55-04:00July 14, 2011|
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