The Kentucky Department of Education (KDE) is seeking public feedback on proposed Social Studies Standards for the Next Generation.
These future-oriented standards address the knowledge, skills and competencies all Kentucky’s K-12 students should have to be prepared for college, career and civic engagement and to ensure success in the world today.
The proposed social studies standards were revised following input and feedback received from more than 2,000 people involved in focus groups and an open online survey conducted during the fall of 2014. About 30 percent of the proposed standards were modified to better capture the vision and outcomes for each grade level.
The latest version of the standards includes the proposed progressions of learning around 15 anchor standards – those ‘exit’ standards that assure college, career and civic readiness. Each progression includes standards for grades K-12.
Standards should not be confused with curriculum. Standards refer to what students should know and be able to do and should be considered a minimum benchmark for ALL students. Curriculum decisions are made by each School-Based Decision Making (SBDM) Council in Kentucky’s schools. Curriculum includes instructional strategies, resources utilized, classroom, school and district assessments; design and pacing of units and courses; and projects, performances or other requirements for successfully demonstrating learning.
The proposed social studies standards meet the criteria of Senate Bill 1 (2009), which mandated new standards in all academic areas. Kentucky educators have been involved throughout the development and revision of the proposed social studies standards.
The public is invited to provide feedback on any or all of the proposed social studies standards by using this link: Those who feel that a standard should be revised also are asked to share their rationale for why the standard needs to be revised.
Feedback and comments will be thoughtfully considered before bringing forward a final set of proposed standards to the Kentucky Board of Education for action during the 2015-16 school year.
The deadline for submitting feedback on the proposed social studies standards is Wednesday, September 30.
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