(Frankfort, KY) – The Kentucky Department of Education (KDE) has developed the “Kindergarten to Grade 3 Dyslexia Toolkit” in response to The Ready to Read Act (House Bill 187, 2018).
The toolkit provides educators and families with a resource to help meet the learning needs of students with dyslexia or those who display characteristics of dyslexia. The 20-page document can be found on KDE’s website.
Kentucky Education Commissioner Wayne Lewis and Deputy Commissioner Amanda Ellis will review the toolkit during a live webinar at 1 p.m. ET on Jan. 4. The webinar will be broadcast and stored on KDE’s Media Portal.
The Ready to Read Act, passed in 2018 and spearheaded by former State Rep. Addia Wuchner, was a bipartisan effort aimed at decreasing the education barriers students with dyslexia face. The bill took aim at increasing educators’ knowledge of the characteristics of dyslexia; appropriate teaching strategies to use when instructing students with dyslexia; and established a process for identifying individual learning needs. Since the bill’s passage, KDE has worked to create a toolkit to assist in building an understanding of dyslexia, early recognition characteristics and considerations for evidence-based instructional practices.
“If diagnosed and addressed early, children with dyslexia can learn and thrive just as other children. Preparing teachers to identify the characteristics of dyslexia and getting them the tools to support students is critical,” said Kentucky Education Commissioner Wayne Lewis. “Without diagnosis and intervention, children with dyslexia are at a distinct disadvantage in school and later in the workforce. This toolkit will serve as a resource and will hopefully have long-term benefits for Kentuckians for years to come.”
Wuchner, who retired from the Kentucky General Assembly on Dec. 31, said she feels this bill will leave a lasting impact on Kentuckians.
“In working with experts over the years and having family members who are dyslexic, I can speak to the power of early identification of children at risk of dyslexia followed by the implementation of interventions,” said Wuchner. “I’m thankful for the work of the Kentucky Department of Education on this effort and I look forward to seeing how it can improve lives and academic outcomes in the years ahead.”
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