Educators from across the state gathered in Lexington at the Central Bank Center to share and listen to best practices for supporting students experiencing homelessness. Photo by Crystal Sicard, Kentucky Department of Education, Sept. 16, 2024
(LEXINGTON, KY) – The Kentucky Department of Education’s (KDE) Office of Continuous Improvement and Support hosted a two-day conference dedicated to supporting students experiencing homelessness.
More than 150 educators from across the state gathered on Sept. 16-17 to share best practices and gain valuable skills.
“This conference provided a unique opportunity for local homeless liaisons and district staff to learn from experienced colleagues and experts in educating children and youth experiencing homelessness,” said Zach Stumbo, KDE homeless education coordinator. “Sessions focused on reducing barriers to education, promoting mental health awareness and ensuring smooth transitions to postsecondary education.”
The first day featured a peer-led initiative where liaisons from across Kentucky shared successful strategies to overcome challenges faced by students experiencing homelessness. Attendees heard about best practices in providing transportation to students experiencing homelessness, strategies for effective outreach, training and improving chronic absenteeism, as well as supports local districts can offer students beyond high school to ensure lifelong success.
Day two offered attendees the chance to become Youth Mental Health First Aid certified. This nationally recognized training equips participants to identify and respond to mental health concerns among adolescents.
Keynote speaker Ronald Hallett, a leading researcher and author on homeless education, addressed the conference on best practices for supporting students’ journeys from high school to college. Attendees received Hallett’s co-authored book, “Serving Students Who Are Homeless,” at the conference. The books will support additional professional learning for local homeless liaisons in 2025.
Those with questions about the conference can contact Zach Stumbo.
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