Kentucky’s Ginny Ellington, a retired Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) state adviser and state family and consumer sciences (FCS) supervisor, has been selected as FCCLA’s 2019-2020 National Honorary Member Award recipient. She was recognized at FCCLA’s first Virtual National Leadership Conference July 7-9.
The National Honorary Membership Award recognizes people whose professional responsibilities are not directly related to the organization, but who have made distinguished contributions and services to the national organization. Ellington’s contributions started during her high school years and continued into her career in serving as an FCS teacher, FCCLA state adviser, FCS state supervisor, University of Kentucky educators, and continuing into her retirement as an active member of FCCLA’s Alumni & Associates.

Ginny Ellington
Ellington’s assistance in developing national FCCLA programs has been instrumental to furthering the national organization. She was one of the state advisers who established and promoted the national program, Students Taking on Prevention (STOP) the Violence, and helped set up the blue-ribbon panels to support chapters in the development of national programs.
Her term as state adviser and national board of directors member was spent presenting numerous workshops to endorse various national programs. Ellington also served as chair of the national board of directors, competitive events lead and assistant, and has been recognized as an Outstanding Service Award recipient.
Now retired, Ellington remains a part of FCCLA by assisting state and national officers with selection and training. She participates and supports local chapters with their projects, and serves as a competitive events judge for FCCLA on the local and state level and recruits additional judges. She has promoted FCCLA’s 75th national celebration on social media and advocates the organization in teachers’ classrooms and state conference workshops.
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