AppHarvest is launching an educational initiative based on the health and nutrition of Appalachia. AppHarvest’s Earth Day platform promotes the concept of feeding the future with a call to action to eat more vegetables because it’s good for people’s health and the health of the planet. 

Appalachian Regional Healthcare (ARH) has partnered with AppHarvest to produce a video in which a pediatrician will address five different talking points about health and nutrition.

A creative thinking, interactive classroom exercise follows that gives students a grade appropriate activity to show their understanding, learning and creativity in action. The classroom module is best suited for grades K-5.

The Components

  1. Video Piece (uploaded to YouTube with links provided + closed captions) ~11-12 minutes
  • ARH Pediatrician – 10-minute video
    • Message: 5 talking points for health and nutrition
      • Why vegetables are important to your overall health and diet
      • Making healthy choices: eat this, not that. (Snacks)
      • Understanding portion size
      • Necessary nutrients for YOU this summer
  1. Classroom Exercise ~ 15-25 minutes

Needing nothing more than the standard classroom pieces (paper, markers, pencil/pen)

Creative thinking exercise by age group. This could be done in small groups or individually.

  • Kindergarten: Eat the Alphabet (Fruits and Vegetables Only!)
    • Use the letter in your name to create a plate filled with fruits and vegetables
  • 1st Grade: If Plants Could Talk … What would they tell you?
    • Short writing exercise, creative and open-ended
  • 2nd Grade: How Does Your Garden Grow?
    • On a one sheet of paper, design a garden with your favorite fruits and vegetables
  • 3rd Grade: Be a Hero for the Planet: Make a Go Green Plan
    • What five things can you do to protect the planet? Include one item about a healthy diet
  • 4th Grade: Create a Plant-Based / Vegetarian Lunch Menu for School for One Week
    • Create a schedule for five school lunches to be plant-based or vegetarian.
  • 5th Grade: Create a public service announcement or 15-second commercial about the importance of eating more vegetables and protecting the planet
  1. Present to the Class (time permitting) or turn in to the Educator (Time dependent option)
  2. Measure and Grant Consideration (5-10 minutes after the module is completed)
    • Short survey to see student results/work (could upload photos and collect data about student answers — or mail them in)
    • Teacher feedback (issues, recommendations, would you participate again),
    • Any other feedback you wish to share?
    • What would a problem based learning grant do for you and your classroom?
      • $500 Mindspark Learning grant to educator for Problem Based Learning
      • Kellie Lauth, CEO, and team to select a winner