Fletcher brings “All In” attitude to commissioner of education role
Robbie Fletcher, Ed.D., became Kentucky's commissioner of education on July 1.
Robbie Fletcher, Ed.D., became Kentucky's commissioner of education on July 1.
Members of the Kentucky Department of Education’s (KDE’s) Commissioner’s Teachers Advisory Council (TAC) discussed guidance about the implications of using artificial intelligence (AI) as a learning partner during their meeting on June 6.
Twenty-nine districts will be participating in this year’s Summer Boost: Reading and Mathematics Program, a partnership between the Kentucky Department of Education (KDE), the Summer Food Service Program and the Children’s Reading Foundation.
Nearly 21,000 students, educators, volunteers, community members and parents gathered at the Central Bank Center in Lexington to watch students from across the state showcase their knowledge.
It was an encounter with a high school principal that inspired Bourbon County’s new superintendent to want to pursue a career in education.
When Bourbon County elementary school students return to their classrooms this fall, they will notice a new science program that will inspire their curiosity and foster a deep understanding of scientific principles through hands-on experimentation. The district has launched a new partnership with Discovery Education which will allow teachers to integrate the company’s suite of innovative digital resources into instruction to create dynamic learning environments that more deeply engage students in science.
Ashley Rogers, an agriculture educator at Nicholas County High School, was named the national New Career and Technical Teacher of the Year for 2022 at the Association for Career and Technical Education (ACTE) Career Tech Vision Conference in New Orleans Dec. 1-3, 2021. […]
This has not been a typical year, and I find myself in my students shoes more frequently. Maybe because the pair we’ve been given fit all of us: a pandemic that changed the way we live and learn.
Kentucky FFA was well represented at the 93rd Annual National FFA Convention, held virtually Oct. 27-29. More than 100,000 FFA members, advisers and supporters registered for the event, which also was broadcast live on RFD TV.
At its June 3 meeting, the Kentucky Board of Education (KBE) presented the first annual 2020 Priority Award for Closing the Achievement Gap to Jeanne M. Crowe, director of Continuous Improvement in Bourbon County Schools.