
Teen Upstander Coalition applications are due Oct. 14

Do you know a teen who is committed to making change in their community? Students in 9th and 10th grade are invited to participate in the Nancy & David Wolf Holocaust & Humanity Center’s Teen Upstander Coalition.

By |2024-09-25T15:45:55-04:00September 25, 2024|

Teaching the Holocaust, Empowering Students

In 2018, with the passage of House Bill 128, Kentucky joined over a dozen states in the United States that officially mandated the teaching of the Holocaust and other genocides.

By |2022-06-21T15:59:43-04:00June 21, 2022|

Cincinnati institute focuses on teaching the Holocaust

The Center for Holocaust and Humanity Education and Xavier University will offer the Roma and Sam Kaltman Holocaust Studies for Educators institute June 19-23 at the center in Cincinnati. The institute provides teachers with knowledge and resources to effectively teach the Holocaust in the classroom. The course features local, national and international scholars and experts in the fields of Holocaust, [...]

By |2017-05-04T09:16:12-04:00May 4, 2017|

Fayette teacher picked for holocaust museum’s fellowship program

Lisa Henry Lisa Henry, a teacher at Martin Luther King Jr. Academy for Excellence (Fayette County), has been selected for the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum’s Teacher Fellowship Program. The museum selects up to 20 educators each year from grades 7-12 who show evidence of extensive knowledge of Holocaust history, successful teaching experience and participation in community and [...]

By |2017-03-23T08:51:46-04:00March 23, 2017|

KET offers PD on Holocaust education

Kentucky Educational Television will host “Echoes and Reflections: Leaders in Holocaust Education,” a professional development program for middle and high school teachers, March 17 in Lexington. Echoes and Reflections is a comprehensive Holocaust education program that prepares educators to teach about the Holocaust in a way that stimulates engagement and critical thinking and allows students to see its relevance to [...]

By |2016-03-02T16:18:58-05:00March 3, 2016|
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