Kevin C. Brown

Kentucky students eligible for new emergency food benefits

The Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Family Services (CHFS) Department for Community Based Services (DCBS) and the Kentucky Department of Education are partnering to provide food assistance to families who have lost access to free or reduced-price school meals during the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) emergency.

By |2022-06-27T14:10:11-04:00May 22, 2020|

Gov. Beshear introduces contact tracing to Kentucky’s superintendents

In a May 21 call with Kentucky’s 172 superintendents, Gov. Andy Beshear and Mark Carter – who was recently appointed as executive adviser leading the contact tracing – spoke of the importance of accurate and efficient contact tracing as a way to manage the transmission of the COVID-19 virus.

By |2020-05-21T17:46:19-04:00May 21, 2020|

Kentucky’s superintendents dive into KDE reopening guidance document during webcast

Superintendents from Kentucky’s 172 school districts joined Kentucky Department of Education (KDE) leadership during a May 19 webcast as they dove into the reopening guidance document released by the department on May 15 that leads school leaders through a variety of questions to consider when planning how to start classes for the 2020-2021 school year.

By |2020-05-19T20:20:17-04:00May 19, 2020|

KDE’s Education Continuation Task Force looks at re-opening guidance document

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, members of the Education Continuation Task force met virtually May 18 to discuss the guidance document released by the Kentucky Department of Education (KDE) about questions schools and districts should consider when they are making plans for how to restart school for the 2020-2021 school year.

By |2020-05-18T17:54:26-04:00May 18, 2020|
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