Close gap one student at a time, educators say
Focusing on individual student’s needs will close achievement gaps, educators say
Focusing on individual student’s needs will close achievement gaps, educators say
The Kentucky Board of Education heard about the results of the new Unbridled Learning assessment and accountability system.
Education Commissioner Terry Holliday The release of Unbridled Learning accountability results last month was met with a flurry of newspaper stories, board presentations, parent workshops and a lot of discussion. As expected, early reports seemed to focus on the overall drop in proficiency and the new state-provided percentile rankings for schools and districts. A few accounts rightfully noted [...]
The Unbridled Learning accountability model is organized around the Kentucky Board of Education’s four strategic priorities: Next-Generation Learners, Next-Generation Instructional Programs and Support, Next-Generation Professionals and Next-Generation Schools/ Districts. The recent first release of data from the Unbridled Learning model included only the Next-Generation Learners component (Achievement [Proficiency], Gap, Growth, Readiness for College/Career and Graduation Rate). In the fall of [...]
Event gives high school seniors important college connections.
Center gives students a different approach to career readiness.
Recovery specialists work to improve more than just test scores.
The implementation of 2009’s Senate Bill 1, the work of which is now called Unbridled Learning, is becoming a reality. Education Commissioner Terry Holliday As is the case when undertaking major change or a series of changes, day-to-day challenges and pressures can become our focus and the larger picture or goals can become less clear. That is [...]
Operation Preparation helps students plan for the future.
The U.S. Department of Education (USED) announced today that Kentucky’s application for flexibility under federal Elementary and Secondary Education Act/No Child Left Behind (ESEA/NCLB) has been approved.