Woodford County

Kentucky FFA members excel at National FFA Convention

Kentucky FFA’s Caroline Groth of the Locust Trace Chapter (Fayette County) was elected as the 2024-2025 Eastern Region vice president for the National FFA Organization at the 97th annual National FFA Convention on Oct. 23-26 in Indianapolis.

By |2024-11-12T09:17:06-05:00November 7, 2024|

At Kentucky Governor’s Scholars Program, ESSER funds help students find community in diversity

When students meet each other for the first time at the Kentucky Governor’s Scholars Program and ask where they’re from, they turn their hands sideways and curl in their thumb, creating a rough shape of the state. “If you were from Centre College, you'd be in the middle,” explained Marshall County native Sarah Umbarger, pointing to her palm. “Or if you're from Lexington, maybe a little over here, and it's just where you are on the map, and it helps just like visualize like where people are at in Kentucky.”

By |2023-07-24T09:25:03-04:00July 19, 2023|
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