The Visiting Teachers from Spain for the 2015-16 school year include, from left, Rodrigo Hidalgo García (Lincoln County High School), Héctor Valencia Monfort (Liberty Elementary), Aurora Benavente Beamonte (Henry County High School), Carlos Berrozpe, education adviser from the Spanish Embassy; Laura Bermúdez Menéndez (Northern Elementary), María Ángeles Martínez Polo (Liberty Elementary), Rafael Crego Herrera (Carroll County High School), Ernesto García García (Larue County Middle School) and Alfonso De Torres Núñez, Kentucky Department of Education world languages consultant.
Photo by Alfonso De Torres Núñez
If your school will need a Spanish or English as a second language (ESL) teacher next year, or if you are looking to internationalize your faculty, the Kentucky Department of Education (KDE) can assist you through the Visiting Teachers from Spain program.
Since 2000, KDE has worked with the Spanish Ministry of Education to help local school districts fill vacant P-12 Spanish and ESL teacher positions, as well as positions for other content areas. Through this program, school districts have the option to hire teachers from Spain on approved Education Professional Standards Board limited certificate contracts, renewable for up to three years.
These teachers are experienced, certified, native-speaking language educators eager for a teaching experience in the United States. Local school districts hire the visiting teachers in accordance with all other local policies in terms of salary scale, certification and local system requirements. KDE handles initial interviewing in Spain, secures J1 visas and provides the teachers with an orientation/pre-service training and follow-up visits. Schools must commit to mentor the teachers and help them adjust socially to their new environment.
For more information, visit the International Partners section of the World Languages webpage on the Kentucky Department of Education website, or contact Alfonso De Torres Núñez, KDE world languages consultant, at (502) 564-2106, ext. 4134, or by e-mail at alfonso.detorresnunez@education.ky.gov. More information also is available on the Visiting Teachers from Spain website and in this video about the program.
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