Third-grade Reach the World students video conference with their traveler in Macau, China. Through these online exchanges, students can virtually visit other cultures and learn about diverse people and places.
Submitted photo by Caela Murphy
Reach the World makes the benefits of travel accessible to classrooms, inspiring K-12 students to become curious, confident global citizens. Enabled by a digital platform, classrooms and college student travelers explore the world together.
Through the benefits of virtual online exchanges with RTW travelers, Kentucky students can virtually visit other cultures and learn about diverse people and places. Reach the World’s mission is to help elementary and secondary school students and teachers develop the knowledge, attitudes, values and thinking skills needed for responsible citizenship in a complex and rapidly changing world.
Teachers can choose a Reach the World experience that supports their curriculum and budget. By bringing the world into their classroom, teachers can empower students to develop the context, competence and confidence that will lead to expanded opportunities in school and in life.
Kentucky is preparing its students to meet the demands of the 21st Century global workplace. Through initiatives ranging from the Every Child Globally Prepared for Success position statement (2014) to the revised Global Competency and World Language Program Review (2016), educators are being asked to lead the charge.
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