PIMSER offers math and science programs starting in October
Partnership Institute for Math and Science Education Reform (PIMSER) is hosting several professional development opportunities that begin in October.
Partnership Institute for Math and Science Education Reform (PIMSER) is hosting several professional development opportunities that begin in October.
Members of the School Curriculum, Assessment and Accountability Council (SCAAC) discussed the latest assessment and accountability prototype produced by the Kentucky Department of Education (KDE) and the Kentucky United We Learn Council during the council’s meeting on Sept. 17.
At its Feb. 3 meeting, the Kentucky Board of Education presented the annual Dr. Samuel Robinson Award to co-winners – Playhouse in the Park/Murray Calloway County Community Theater and the Partnership Institute for Math and Science Education Reform at the University of Kentucky.
The University of Kentucky’s Partnership Institute for Math and Science Education (PIMSER) will offer an ACT Boot Camp for Science Teachers Sept. 29-30 at the UK/Lexmark Center for Innovation in Math and Science Education in Lexington. The workshop is open to teachers in grades 9-12. Participants will practice strategies for accessing complex tests, analyzing data and opposing arguments, develop tasks [...]
The Partnership Institute for Math and Science Education Reform (PIMSER) is offering short courses for elementary mathematics teachers Dec. 3 and Dec. 15 in Lexington designed to strengthen understanding of the Kentucky Core Academic Standards for mathematics. “Using the Number Line” will allow teachers to make connections to the Professional Growth and Effectiveness System (PGES) framework for teaching, examine and [...]
Are your mathematics scores where you would like them to be? Instructional leaders are invited to explore tools designed to determine the extent of implementation of the Kentucky Core Academic Standards and the Standards for Mathematical Practice within the whole school mathematics program. At a daylong workshop on Nov. 19, become familiar with the Instructional Implementation Sequence: Attaining the CCSS [...]
With new science standards looming, science teachers take writing and literacy to task.