Professional Growth and Effectiveness System

Hope Street survey on PGES, teacher leadership open

Hope Street Group's annual survey is under way, collecting teacher input regarding the Professional Growth and Effectiveness System and teacher leadership. Hope Street Group has been asked by the Kentucky Department of Education to collect teacher perspectives on how PGES evidence is affecting decision making, how the expertise of teachers is shaping professional learning and how teacher leaders are impacting [...]

By |2020-09-08T11:42:14-04:00October 8, 2015|

More than 90 percent of Kentucky educators are effective; state Board of Education elects not to include ratings in accountability

The majority of teachers and leaders evaluated in the first year of statewide implementation of Kentucky’s Professional Growth and Effectiveness System (PGES) were rated exemplary or accomplished, the Kentucky Board of Education learned at its meeting Aug. 6. Under the system, about a third of certified educators in the state are evaluated each year. In 2014-15, about 16,700 teachers and [...]

By |2015-12-18T11:08:59-05:00August 12, 2015|

Fayette PGES coach receives KASA Tomorrow’s Leader Scholarship

Michelle Tudor, a Professional Growth and Effectiveness System (PGES) coach in the Fayette County schools, has been named the 2015 recipient of the Kentucky Association of School Administrators’ Tomorrow’s Leader Scholarship. Michelle Tudor Tudor was chosen by a statewide judging panel from among her peers. All candidates must be employed as full-time teachers or administrators, KASA members and [...]

By |2015-07-10T14:41:49-04:00July 14, 2015|

Teachers’ voices make a difference

Terry Holliday A guiding principle for our work in Kentucky is that we do the hard work of reform WITH teachers and not TO teachers. What does this principle look like in practice? In 2011, Kentucky implemented the TELL Kentucky Survey to allow teacher voice on key working conditions such as facilities, resources, leadership, professional development, time, etc. [...]

By |2023-01-04T15:27:50-05:00March 31, 2015|

Standards-Based Grading & PGES: The Perfect Connection

Natalie McCutchen By Natalie McCutchen Marie Montessori said the greatest sign of success for a teacher is to be able to say, “The children are now working as if I did not exist.”  For the past few years, I have been working to make my students more self-sufficient and more independent thinkers who are engaged in their [...]

By |2015-03-23T10:19:28-04:00March 26, 2015|

Workshop on using PGES data coming to Louisville

The Regional Educational Laboratory Appalachia will host a free workshop Dec. 9 in Louisville to develop leadership strategies for using Professional Growth and Effectiveness System (PGES) data. “Principal Leadership for Effective Use of PGES Data” is designed for principals, district staff and instructional leaders and will provide opportunities to explore how to communicate with teachers about their data, communicate with [...]

By |2014-11-12T16:03:44-05:00November 13, 2014|

Archive copy of #PGESMe now available

An archive copy of #PGES4Me, the Kentucky Department of Education’s official launch of the Professional Growth and Effectiveness System is now available. Click here to download a zipped file of the handouts that were used during the event (download will not be possible from iOS devices). The documents are numbered in the order they were used. The sessions from #PGES4Me were [...]

By |2020-10-16T08:27:21-04:00August 7, 2014|
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