KDE Spotlight: Jeff Sebulsky
The Kentucky Department of Education’s Jeff Sebulsky is proud to proclaim he has the best job in the Commonwealth.
The Kentucky Department of Education’s Jeff Sebulsky is proud to proclaim he has the best job in the Commonwealth.
Stu Harper has worked at the Kentucky School for the Deaf (KSD) in Danville for 21 years. “I love working with youth,” he said. “They’re fun, they learn quickly, they’re interested in the world, and I think it keeps me young.”
Raven Miller is the administrative procurement branch manager of the Budgets and Financial Management Division in the Kentucky Department of Education’s (KDE’s) Office of Finance and Operations.
Regina Barrett is one of the two Kentucky K-12 integration specialists in the Kentucky Department of Education’s (KDE’s) Office of Education Technology. She has been in this position since August of 2014.
Todd Allen works as the General Counsel in the Office of Legal Services for the Kentucky Department of Education (KDE). […]
GlyptusAnn Grider Jones has been a part of the Kentucky Department of Education (KDE) team since April 2022.
Scott Craig started as Administration Branch Manager in the Kentucky Department of Education’s Office of Finance and Operations in 1996. His job, which is part of the Division of Resource Management, requires him to manage the resources KDE team members need to do their work, such as providing office space and vehicles, preserving documents in the archives, and managing document [...]
As a person who is Deaf and blind, Emma Riley has made it her career goal to provide resources for Kentucky students who are just like her.
Deborah Sauber has always been interested in providing resources for people in need.
Larry Garrity joined the Kentucky Department of Education (KDE) in 2022 as director of the Division of Technical Schools and Continuous Improvement in the Office of Career and Technical Education.