Trigg County

Work group to consider changes to growth indicator in accountability system

Commissioner of Education Wayne Lewis has called for the creation of a group of key stakeholders from across the Commonwealth to review the state’s current growth calculation methodology and make recommendations for how to improve it before the release of school accountability data next fall.

By |2018-10-22T14:21:31-04:00October 22, 2018|

Kentucky Board of Education updated on new laws

At its regularly scheduled April meeting, the Kentucky Board of Education received an update on new education laws passed by the 2017 General Assembly. House Bill 520 allows non-religious public charter schools for the first time in Kentucky. Commissioner of Education Stephen Pruitt said work has already started at the Kentucky Department of Education to prepare for the establishment of charters.

By |2020-09-23T11:05:57-04:00April 13, 2017|

16 schools receive National Healthy Schools Award

Sixteen Kentucky schools have been named winners of the National Healthy Schools Award by the Alliance for a Healthier Generation. The awards were announced recently by the Alliance for a Healthier Generation, a national organization founded by the American Heart Association and the Clinton Foundation whose goal is to reduce the prevalence of childhood obesity and to empower children to [...]

By |2016-09-14T15:28:53-04:00September 15, 2016|
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